Sunday, February 8, 2009


Well our little girl is about 10 weeks away. I am getting really excited and nervous all at the same time. We got the baby's room all finished up except for putting a few things on the wall. I guess I'm getting nervous because it's such a huge responsibility, hell sometimes I can barely take care of myself! I also worry a lot about doing the right thing with such a little person. Now I am excited just to be a parent. I know that there's going to be some really hard times but we'll have a lot more fun ones.

Well we have signed up for a bunch of classes through the hospital so we can get our learn on. I sure do have a lot to figure out about this kid thing. I guess the first thing I need to learn is how to change a diaper without getting peed on. I also think buster is going to be jealous in the beginning but then get very protective. I am planning on starting school again soon so I will be a super busy guy. Between new kid, work, and school.

Overall I am just ready to get this kid out of Alicia's belly. I want my bebe back bebe back bebe back.......ribs! GET OUT OF HER BELLY, but not to early!